Robert “Bob” Hendrickson received an enthusiastic, unanimous endorsement at the May 17, 2022 Republican convention for State Representative, 58th District, held at Enfield’s town hall.

Bob Hendrickson was nominated by Enfield Town Councilor, Marie Pyznar, who stated in her nomination speech, “Bob is a hard-working, honest man, and great listener. He will be an excellent State Represenative who will represent his district with integrity.”
Former mayor and current Town Councilor, Mike Ludwick, seconded the nomination saying, “Bob is a strong advocate for free speech because he understands that a healthy discourse is critical for our society to grow and improve.” Mr. Ludwick added, “Bob understands the challenges of Enfield’s families, especially our hard-working parents, because Bob comes from a blue-collar background.”
After receiving an enthusiastic and unanimous endorsement from delegates, Bob thanked everyone for their heartfelt support and said, “While campaigning up to the November elections, I look forward to meeting as many of my neighbors in the 58th and listening to their concerns, challenges and ideas for improving our town and state. It is an honor to receive your trust and support.”
Robert “Bob” Hendrickson is running for State Representative in Connecticut’s 58th General Assembly District.